I'm raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.
I am cutting my hair to fundraise to help sick kids throughout Australia. Not only will my lovely locks be used to make a wig, your donations to the cause that means so much to me, will allow Kids with Cancer Foundation to continue with their financial support of families that have a child suffering cancer.
Please donate to my fundraiser, and share with your family and friends, together we can all make a difference.
My Updates

Doin’ it for the kids!
Saturday 31st Dec Hi, my name is Zara and I’m 5 years old. I have been growing my hair for as long as I can remember and in 2023, I have made the decision to chop for change, and donate my hair, to make a wig for sick children. This will be the first time cutting my hair, like ever, so I hope that you can all support me and make a donation, big or small, towards Kids with Cancer. The date has been set for Friday 27th of January, just before I go back to school, when all my hair will be cut short. I can’t wait to share this journey with you and hope you can help me make even the smallest of changes for kids with cancer. ShareThank you to my Sponsors


Nanny & Papou
At the age of 5, the maturity you show & your empathy & determination to make a difference to the welfare of others is amazing, to say the least. We're just so proud of you Zara & priveleged to have you as our grand=daughter.

Joe And Anna Portolesi
Very proud of you Zara, such a beautiful thing you are doing for other little children, well done. ❤️

Kassandra Ladas
I am so proud of you beautiful girl, and am constantly in awe of your kindness and care for others. This world is a better and happier place because of people like you who are so generous. Love you lots xx

Paul , Deanna & Kristen Nikolettos
Zara you are doing such a wonderful thing and we are very proud of you!

Cronin Sckrabei Family
Well done for raising funds for such an important cause, Zara. We are really proud of you and we know you will be really proud of yourself as well. Love Ava and Finn

Cassandra Mamone
Well done gorgeous girl. I can’t wait to see you with your new hair do. 😍👏 xx

Toni & Bill Moustakos
Well done Zara. What a beautiful thing you are doing.

Anna And Joe Vita
So very proud of you and love you so much x

Karen De Fazio
Well done beautiful Zara 💗 Love Karen and family

Veronica Vuong
What a beautiful thing you are doing Zara, helping out little kids in need. And Kit and Kira would love to help by donating some of their own savings to you! Xx

Zara Portolesi

Sophie Mackenzie-pearson
Well done Zara on such a special and important project! Love from Sophie (& David and Jill!)

Joe & Kathy
Zara what a very kind and beautiful thing you are doing. We are very proud of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bombardieri Family
Zara we are so proud of you sweet girl!! You have the biggest heart ❤️

Anne Marie And Carmine Borrillo
So beautiful of you Zara 💕


Cindy And Vic
Well done Zara

Harlow Tran-williams
Well done Zara! You are a kind and beautiful girl and we are so proud of you!! Love the Tran-Williams family.

Ailsa & Neil Bisset
Well done Zara, you are going to change someone’s life. You should be very proud. Love Neil & Ailsa.

Tom & Sabrina Archontis.
Well done Zara, very happy to donate for such a great cause. xx

Rachel Portolesi
Aunty Rach & Uncle Nicky are so proud of what you’re doing. You are going to change someone’s life. Love you monkey.

Tina Farmassonis
Go Zara! Can't wait to see your awesome new hairdo! Xx

Rachel Eckert

Rosa Nocera
So proud of you Zara🤍🤍🤍🤍

Karyn Neville
What a special little girl you are Zara. Such a beautiful thing to do.

Nia, Jen And Leo
Way to go Zara! Such a special thing to do to help others ❤️

Fiona Turner

Anthony Chambers
Great work Zara! Very proud of you 😊

Sarah Cervone
Well done Zara!

Helen Flowers
Zara you are an amazing and thoughtful beautiful girl we are all very proud of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dan Santostefano

Steven And Laurie Gibson

Hudson F
Such an amazing thing to do. You should be very proud of yourself Zara!

Grace Grevelis
What a wonderful good deed you are doing Zara. Mum and dad must me very proud of you

Theodore W
Thank you Zara! You’re going to make a another child feel so happy at a time when they’d be feeling pretty scared. Good on you!

Silver Girdham
Well done Zara! I am very proud to be your friend. Love from Silver xxx

Becc Johnston

Madeline C
Very worthy cause, well done Zara.

Rapunzel's best quality is her bravery. You light us up little Z. Can't wait to see what comes next as we watch you grow.

Angela Tripodi
What an amazing thing you are doing, Zara! You should be so proud of yourself. ❤️

Danti Family
Great work Zara, we are proud of you! xx

Katie, Steve, Ben And Ella
We are very proud of you Zara, you are doing an amazing thing ❤️

Victoria Pascale
So proud of you beautiful Zara!♥️♥️

Darcie Sayers
Good work zara can

Airlie Broad
Wow Zara! That’s so kind of you. Love Airlie from dance.

John Portolesi
A great cause. Well done Zara.
I’m so proud of you girly from that little share girl who didn’t want to leaves mum side at childcare, but look at you now, happy for you girl! Always be so proud for u! can’t believe ur doing something that u love! Love u zara! Xxx