We are raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.
Ahren has decided that he would like his hair cut. We thought we would take this opportunity to make a difference and fundraise to help sick kids throughout Australia. Not only will Ahren’s beautiful hair be used to make a wig, your donations to Kids with Cancer Foundation will help their ongoing efforts to support families with children suffering cancer.
Please help me raise $1000 to help fund the
cost of a wig for child need to feel more confident, you can do this by sharing
this page with your family and friends, together we can all make a difference.
Thank you to my Sponsors


Donna H
What a special gift to give another child.

Well done Ahren

Michael Bugg
Well done Ahren

Mel Jones
What a wonderful thing to do Ahren! I am so proud of you! love Aunty Mel

Well done Ahren, what a beautiful kind soul you are.

Team Terbeeke

Lovely way to honour the chopping of those gorgeous locks. 🥰

Michael Salt
Well done little man.

Pauline Clark

Jason Lowe
Well done Ahren!!

Joanne C

Tahne, Nik And Charlotte
Great job you legend! X

Sasha Peplow

Priti Manchanda
Well done Ahren, you should be very proud of yourself!


What an AMAZING thing to do!

Courtney Sinclair

Petra Stephenson
You're such a wonderful little man for doing this!!

Natalie Mathieson

Elizabeth Humphries

Amazing job Ahren!

Debra Tuck
Well done Ahren!

Nikki M


Rod Asturias
Good job kid!

Stock Fam
Great thing you are doing Ahren, love from the Stocks

Jane Wuttke
Good on you Ahren, your beautiful hair will make someone who has lost theirs so happy.

Halen & Norah
Good job bud :)

Well done Ahren :)

Good Job Ahren :)

So proud of you to do this Ahren
Ahren I am so proud of you!