Omar E

I'm raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.

I am cutting my hair to fundraise to support the creation of bespoke wigs for children, provide essential financial assistance to families in need, and funding within paediatric oncology hospitals across the country, ensuring that every child facing cancer receives the care and support they deserve.

Please support me in my fundraising journey, together we can make today easier for kids with cancer and their families.

My Achievements

Updated Profile

50% of Fundraising Goals

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

Finally cut my hair :)

Thursday 23rd Jan
I’ve chopped my locks today and it feels really good to finally be able to donate it but also to have short hair again! 

Cut for a cause - donating all my curly locks!

Sunday 22nd Dec

Thank you to my Sponsors


Helmi Elaasser

Good job Moro, so proud of you. Love you.


Omar Rabih

Good luck with your journey


Aunti Nana

Great Job, Moro


Mazen Elaasser

Proud of Omar. Good luck with reaching your goal and thank you for raising awareness about this initiative.


Kenny Family

Well done Omar!



So proud of you gorgeous boy!