Marley Newell

I'm raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.

I am cutting my hair to fundraise to help sick kids throughout Australia.  Not only will my lovely locks be used to make a wig, your donations to the cause that means so much to me, will allow Kids with Cancer Foundation to continue with their financial support of families that have a child suffering cancer.

Please help me raise $2750 to fund the cost of a wig for child need to feel more confident, you can do this by sharing this page with your family and friends, together we can all make a difference.

My Achievements

Updated Profile

50% of Fundraising Goals

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

Marley is ready for the big chop 💇🏼‍♀️✂️

Sunday 14th Jan

Thank you to my Sponsors


Saltwater Earthmoving

Good job gorgeous girl, you have a kind heart ❤️


Ranga & Rhi Payton

Good on you Marley


Dominic David

Congratulations Marley, you are an inspiration! Many years ago my eldest sister had all her hair shaved off as her friend in Europe was going through breast cancer and my sister wanted to also go through the physical change her distant friend was enduring. Very Best Wishes to you Marley.


Uncle Ben


Anthony Green



So proud of you Marley 🥰


Casey Perkins

Aunty is so proud of you baby girl. You are so thoughtful and caring for people in need.


Ron Searle

Fantastic cause


Sue Brown

What an awesome thing to do Marley. Good on you!.


Maggie Louise

What a fantastic gift Marley!



Nan & pop are so proud of you for doing this to help others


Calder-love Concreting

What a beautiful kind thing to do Marley!! ❤️



Such an amazing thing to do ♥️


Karen Galea


Debbie Newell

So proud of you to do this to help other kids.


Daltons Tipper Hire



Lee Mongan