Elliot J

I am cutting my hair to fundraise to help sick kids throughout Australia.

  Not only will my lovely locks be used to make a wig, your donations to the cause that means so much to me, will allow Kids with Cancer Foundation to continue with their financial support of families that have a child suffering cancer.

Please help me raise $500 to fund the cost of a wig for child need to feel more confident, you can do this by sharing this page with your family and friends, together we can all make a difference.

My Achievements

Updated Profile

50% of Fundraising Goals

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

A Hair-Raising Charity Fundraiser!

Friday 28th Jun
Hey everyone! We've got some exciting news from the heartwarming world of Elliot, our adventurous 5-year-old with a heart of gold. 

This July 31st. 2024, on a Wednesday, Elliot will be chopping off his luscious locks and donating his hair to Wigs 4 Kids charity! ? 
But that's not all – he's on a mission to raise funds for kids battling cancer, too. What a superstar!

Elliot's Journey -
On a sunny July day, Elliot will bid farewell to his long locks, which will be lovingly transformed into wigs for children undergoing cancer treatment. What a courageous and selfless act from such a young soul!

Join the Fun!
We invite all you awesome parents and community heroes to join us in supporting Elliot's fundraiser.

 Whether you're a local business, a school, or a neighborhood hangout, we'd love your help spreading the word! 
Imagine Elliot's beaming smile on posters around town, sharing his mission and inspiring others to lend a hand.

Get Involved

Here's how you can be a part of 
Elliot's hair-raising adventure:



• Donate and Cheer: Every little bit counts! Donate to Elliot's fundraiser and help us reach our goal. Whether it's $5 or $50, your contribution makes a real difference in the lives of kids fighting cancer.

• Share the Love: Follow Elliot's journey on social media and share his story with your friends and family. Let's make sure his act of kindness reaches as many hearts as possible.

As parents, we couldn't be prouder of Elliot's big-hearted gesture. He's teaching us all a valuable lesson in kindness, empathy, and the joy of giving. Let's rally together and make Elliot's fundraiser a roaring success! Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children battling cancer.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey with Elliot. Stay tuned for more updates as we count down to the big hair-cutting day.

Elliot's Gift to Children with Cancer

Thursday 13th Jun
We are so proud to share a remarkable milestone in my 5 y.o. son Elliot's journey.  

With a head full of beautiful hair, Elliot has decided to donate his hair to children battling cancer. This act of kindness is not just about giving away something he loves; it's about making a difference in the lives of those who need it the most.  

Elliot's decided to donate his hair to children who had lost their hair during cancer treatment. He wanted to do something special to help them feel better. With a big smile and generosity, Elliot is very excited to share his gift.   

Supporting Elliot's Cause.

In addition to donating his hair, Elliot has inspired us to start a fundraising page for the Cancer Council.

We invite you to join us in this effort by visiting our fundraising page and making a donation. 

Every contribution, big or small, helps in the fight against cancer and supports those who are bravely battling this disease.  

A message (from his parents) to Elliot, as you grow older, I hope you look back on this moment and remember the incredible impact you made at such a young age. Your kindness and generosity are inspiring, and your willingness to give to those in need highlights your beautiful spirit. You will make a significant difference in another young child's life, and we are so proud of you.

  How You Can Help  

• Donate: 
Visit our Cancer Council fundraising page to make a donation.



 Your support is greatly appreciated.  

• Share: 
Spread the word about Elliot's story and our fundraising efforts on social media. 

Every share brings us closer to our goal. 

 • Get Involved: 
Consider donating your hair or organizing a fundraising event in your community to support cancer patients.  

Thank you for supporting Elliot and joining us in this journey of kindness and generosity. 

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and their families. 

With gratitude,  Jhuden & Riki-Lee 

Donating my hair to other kids who are in need.

Thursday 13th Jun

Meet Elliot, an energetic and compassionate 5-year-old with a heart full of kindness. 

Elliot is on a mission to make a difference in the lives of children battling cancer through his fundraising efforts. 

Inspired by his empathy and willingness to help others, Elliot has decided to take a bold step by cutting his hair to donate to kids with cancer and their charity.

Elliot's decision to part with his locks isn't just about changing his appearance; it's a heartfelt gesture that will bring comfort and confidence to children facing the challenges of cancer treatment. 

By donating his hair to kids with cancer that provide wigs for young cancer patients, Elliot is spreading love and hope to those who need it most.

For Elliot, he understands the importance of supporting children fighting cancer and wants to do everything he can to make their journey a little bit easier. Whether it's seeing the smiles on their faces or knowing that he's making a difference.

As Elliot's parents, we couldn't be prouder of his empathy and generosity. We wholeheartedly support his decision to donate his hair and raise funds for this important cause.

We believe that if it means something to us, it's likely to mean something to our supporters as well.

Join us in rallying behind Elliot as he takes this courageous step to bring joy and strength to children with cancer. 

Your contributions and encouragement will not only help Elliot reach his fundraising goals but will also make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. 

Together, we can make a difference and spread kindness one haircut at a time.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Elliots Dad

For my Son. May his kindness and generosity help other.


Anthony Martinico

Good on you buddy!❤️



every little bit, to help children in need.