Team St Mary's


We're raising money to show support to a little champion Douglas Murree. Dougie is a Year 6 student at our school, St Mary's Catholic Primary, Maryborough, QLD. Our hair will also be donated to Wigs 4 Kids. Your donation will help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Wayne Stewart


Nic Davis

You are an amazing person. shell. Wishing Dougie a speedy recovery xx


Isla Muchow


Hyne Family

Michelle & Suzy you are both such an incredible & inspiring support to Dougie, along with all the Year 6 Students. Sending love & best wishes to Dougie and his family 🥰


Linda Ready

Proud of you Sue. Love mum.


Rejuvenate Group

What a great school to have in your corner! Best wishes to Douglas 🙏


Michelle White


Christine Smith

Such an amazing thing to do Shell. So proud of you. You are such an inspirational role model. Thoughts are with Dougie and his family X


Uncle Ra & Kelli


Simone Youman

Fantastic effort. Go girls !!!


Chloe Brown

If there is anything we can do as a community please reach out. Sending so much love and prayers ❤️


Tan Armstrong

Shell and Suzy you are legends. So proud of you both. Dougie you’ve got this champion 🏉 💪🏉💪🏉


Steph Barnes

Suzy and Shell, you two are amazing brave women! You are an inspiration to all. Sending our thoughts and prayers to Douglas and his family!🙏❤️💪


Poppi Family


Sarah Sypher




Great job to both of you and the Grade 6 students for supporting Dougie.. All the best to Dougie for a speedy recovery. Sending love and best wishes to him and his family ❤️


Michael Ready

Great cause I better be able to pat your head


Melissa Bourke


Macie & Lainey Killeen

You guys are awesome! Thinking of you Dougie!


Putney Family

So proud of you two amazing women!


Poppy And Grandma Erica Murree And Great Grandma Dove

So proud of your strength Doug. Thank you to St Mary's Community for your love and support of Dougie and Family. What you are all doing is so wonderful, overwhelming and inspiring.


Michelle Mcclafferty

Congratulations Michelle and Team St. Mary's for supporting Dougie and Kids with Cancer. I hope your hair and the funds make a big difference to those facing the challenges of Cancer.



A amazing act of kindness Shell 🙌🏻Sending love to Dougie and his family.



All the best!


Nic Morgan

So proud of you Shell 🤍 You are an inspiration to us all! All the Best to Dougie & the Team!


O’gorman Family

So inspiring Shell and Suzy. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dougie and his family.


Deb Hux

Amazing people!!!💕


Kate Grohn

Amazing 👏


Janine Heather


Jacinta Stewart

You are amazing Shell! Thinking of Dougie and his family x


Xander Wade


Michelle Alexandre


Patrese Ryan

So proud of you Shell. All the best to Dougie.


Chrissy Holz


Kaleb Pearce





Well done Suze and Team St Mary’s! What a great effort! You all look stunning too xxx


Gina Davis


Suzy Ready


Megan Burns

What a lovely idea. I wish the team all the best.


Elmer Family

Well done ladies for a fantastic cause! Well wishes to Dougie and his family


De Cameron

Great job Suzey x


Geraldine Guppy

So proud of you Shell


Tamarla Dehnert

Bravo Shell. 👏 You are one special human being. Such a special cause close to our hearts xo


Julie Gibbs

Inspirational ladies, sending best wishes to Dougie and his support team to a positive outcome love and prayers x


Liz Lowe (rudolph)

Sending and love and positivity to the Murray family. Douglas you are little warrior. You’ve got this, brave boy. 💙 What an amazing community at St Mary’s. Legends, Shell and Suz


Tracy Murphy


Sarah Woods

You are both such hreat supporters


Braxton Slama


Helen Freshwater

Super effort Shell! XX


Cathryn Pretorius

Strength, love and the kindness of others facilitates the ability to be brave in our ever-changing world of challenges and surprises. ❤️


Ward Family

Such a wonderful way to show support to Dougie and his family 💙


Jodi Connolly

Well done Suze. Can't wait to see the pics


Sasha Mclean

Wowsers.... Too cool for school 🤙 amazing gesture x


The Negus Family

We think of you all the time Dougie & know you are an amazing young man we are all so proud of you and we know you will beat this!!! Michelle, Suzy & the boys no words can describe how amazing, caring & thoughtful you all are!!!


Sinéad Heaney

Best of luck 🥰


Chapman / Davis Family ❤️

Sending lots of love, prayers and positive vibes to Dougie 💙🏉 Shell, Suz & Yr 6 boys - you are all so amazing & kind hearted. What a fantastic show of support for Dougie! #DougieIsNotAlone 💙


Kathryn Campbell

Thank you for your tremendous initiative.


Kirsty Patterson

What you are both doing is absolutely amazing. And 16 classmates is so special. Dougie has some exceptional people on his side.


Amelia And Benjamin Breckon

Inspirational and selfless gesture ladies ❤️ Actions speak louder than words. This is why we love St Mary's.


Kym Arrowsmith

Big kudos to these two beautiful ladies 🩷. Keep the beanies close 🩷. Sending positive healing vibes Dougie’s way 🩷.


Laura Green



Karlie Holloway

Inspirational Ladies! Douglas, my thoughts are with you Mate!


Mcdonnell Family

What a wonderful and beautiful thing for you all to do!!! You’ve got this Dougie!!!! 💪🏼


Kelly Baker


William Fordham


Talia And Chloe Hill

Thinking of you Dougie!



Such amazing support for Dougie and his family!💕💕


Damien Brennan

Luv ya


Monique Tyrrell

Such an amazing thing to do! All the very best to Dougie and his family ❤️




Marilyn Connell

Good on you Jordan for supporting your mate.


Darrel And Janelle Rook

What a wonderful gesture. Wishing Douglas all the best.


Philippa Guppy

Absolutely legendary Shell, as usual so selfless xxx What a leader you are Shell x


Kate Freshwater

Super inspiring Shell xx


Rae White

Such a selfless, brave thing to do - especially with this cool weather! 🥰


Karen Wilchek

❤️❤️ Go girls!


Peter. Jenny Elmer


Bree Brockenshire


The Papworths

Great effort ladies! What a beautiful show of support ☺️


Lucas Lourigan

Best wishes Dougie


Sharna Brennan

So proud Shell! All the best to the little man.


The Heffernan’s



Legend. Love your work. Love your heart more. Xxx


Jodie Thompson

Such a beautiful, and selfless act. ♥️


John And Cheryl Ready


Byrne Family

Michelle and Suzy you are amazing! Dougie we are cheering for you!


Catherine Su


Dee Seeley

Super Teachers!


Mikaela Morelli


Olivia And Eliana Kruger

Incredibly inspiring ! Wishing Dougie and his family all the best.






Kelly Byrnes

They say 'It takes a village to raise a child' St Mary's is such an amazing community that gets together to give support whenever needed. I am so proud of Dougie's strength and courage & of all of our peeps who are shaving to support this amazing cause! Suzy & Shell... you are such an inspiration! 💜🩷



You ladies are incredible, inspiring, beautiful people ❤️ What an amazing support you have been for Dougie!


Jai Gibbons


Lucy Howard



Great cause x


Chambers Family



Such a wonderful and selfless idea to support Doug, well done xo


Caitlin Stockill

There’s no words 🫶


Dani Howard

Proud of you Miss Suzy!! Love ya guts and your heart of gold


Maximus Howard

Go go go go go Aunty Suzie! ❤️ 🐶 ❤️


Parker And Laila Schulz


Donna Toohey

All the best Shell and Suzy!! What a wonderful thing you two are doing. 👏🥰


Lily Berry

Thinking of everyone today. X


Tiff Priest




Paula Veivers

Good on Shell! Such a great cause 🙏 All the best to Dougie 🙏





Love your kindness & Dougie will too! All the best to you Dougie xx


Tas Haylock

Great work Suzy for a wonderful cause! All of our thoughts and prayers are with your young student and his family. x


Amy Kiss

What an amazing thing that you are doing!


Helen Hatchett



Well Done Suzy x


The Teenager



Such a brave young man Douglas.


Jonathan Canning