Are you a Charity?
We are a registered Australian charity with the 'Australian Charities & Not-For-Profits Commission' (ACNC). The Foundation is a non-profit Public Benevolent Institution (PBI), a status originally granted by the Australian Tax Office, Australian charities are not issued with a charity number. For reporting reasons and to save confusion between similar-sounding names all Australian charities are required to have an individual ABN, ours is 99 095 779 114. PBI's that once reported to ASIC are now required to report annually to ACNC and documentation on all registered charities can be found there.
How much have you provided?
Since 1998 we have given away over $32 million to children's hospitals and families throughout Australia.
What kind of event can I organise?
October is that time of the year when spooky things come out at night, and kids have fun with Halloween. Why not make this year a special occasion and raise some much-needed funds for sick kids, by joining this our Scare Cancer National Campaign.
You can do this by teaming up with friends, workmates, sports clubs and holding a BBQ, Morning Tea, or get the kids involved and have a street party with trick or treating… kids helping kids is amazing!
Some other event ideas that can continue at other times are below, however, the sky is the limit! Hair Shave, Morning Tea, office casual Fridays, BBQs, market stalls, birthdays, fun runs, boat cruises, formal balls, girls nights out, cycling, hikes, school canteens, chocolate drive, bingo nights, band sessions, corporate conventions, pizza nights, clothing store new season release, skydive, teen fashion show, iron man challenges, picnics, rugby head-to-head matches, group car cruises, music CD sales, busking, garage sale, weddings, photography sales, book sales.