John P. Hore

I'm raising money to help relieve the financial burden from families that have a child being treated for a cancer diagnosis.

I am shaving 4 kids throughout Australia.  Your donations to this cause that means so much to me, will allow Kids with Cancer Foundation to continue with their financial support of families that have a child suffering cancer.

Please donate to my fundraiser, and share with your family and friends, together we can all make a difference.

My Achievements

Updated Profile

50% of Fundraising Goals

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

Introducing JOHN BOY!

Thursday 14th Mar
You may know him as Johnny or John Boy, but you without a doubt know this man's long luscious locks of hair and his majestic beard! He is the pool master of The Inkerman and all round loved local of the 3183. Johnny here is going to be shaving it all in the name of a good cause! SUNDAY APRIL 21ST will be the big day it all goes, in the name of raising money for 'Kids with cancer' So please donate what you can or join us on the day and help support a great cause and our beautiful John boy! Details to follow! Thank you -Kaitlyn (John Boy's P.A) xo

Thank you to my Sponsors


Inkerman Hotel Community

Cash Donations raised on the day! Thank you every one!


Inkerman Hotel



Good man


Mary-lou Jenkins

A great cause, John!




Chris Maclean


Trish M


Ashley Creffield


Mitchell Roberts


David Stoddart


Brendon Kyuss


Gary Mardegan


Tim Ryan


Jono Redden

Better buy a beanie for winter mate




Mark Copeland


Matthew Owen And Hannah Fishwick

Matt and Hannah wish your beautiful beard a happy life x


Teagan Stefanovic

You’ll be unrecognizable for a good cause! Well done Johnny


Julie Duff


Brett Patterson

Good on ya Johnny cheers Brett 🍻


Schneur Zalman Ajzenszmidt

18 is chai Chai is life


Raffaele Guarino